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Mevion Took Center Stage at the National Proton Conference 2024 to Share Vision for Re-Imagining Proton Therapy

The Mevion Team alongside Dr. Billy Loo from Stanford Health Care, presented the symposium: Re-Imagining Proton Therapy: Mevion's Two Decade Journey of Innovation.


In the world of cancer treatment, innovation is a lifeline for millions battling the disease. Nowhere is this more evident than in proton therapy, where continuous advancements are critical to bring the treatment to more patients that need it. Mevion is at the forefront of this evolution, a company that was born from the collaborative efforts with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). At the 2024 National Proton Conference, Mevion shared its inspiring history and forward-thinking vision to re-imagine proton therapy.

Partnering for Progress

Mevion's journey is one of collaboration, as demonstrated by its partnership with Stanford Health Care. Dr. Billy Loo, Physician-Scientist and Professor of Radiation Oncology at Stanford shared their journey with hadron therapy and their ongoing work with Mevion to bring proton therapy to the renowned center.

Stanford Health Care was facing siting challenges for a new proton therapy unit until they turned to Mevion to replace a conventional linear accelerator vault.

At the NAPT symposium, Billy Loo said: “Over the years we've had many projects attempting bring particle therapy to Stanford. For various reasons, mainly cost and space, none of those came to fruition.”

In 2023 the center was announced as the first site where the MEVION S250-FIT Proton Therapy System* would be developed and installed.

Dr. Billy Loo went on to tell the audience of how Stanford’s search for a solution resulted in a partnership that is changing the field of proton therapy:

“Even with the most compact available footprint, none of those were going to work for us. We discussed how we could go from compact to ultra-compact. We'd had conversations with both Mevion and Leo Cancer Care and asked if we could potentially combine the world's smallest proton source with an ultra-compact patient positioning and CT imaging system. The Mevion team said, 'challenge accepted'.”



Founded in 2004, Mevion's mission has always been clear: to make superior proton therapy accessible to as many cancer patients as possible. In 2024, Dr. Tina Yu, CEO and President of Mevion, is leading this charge. She recalls a profound encounter with a gentleman at the Huntsman Cancer Institute's grand opening in 2021. The man shared his grandson's battle with a brain tumor and expressed immense gratitude for the availability of proton therapy close to home. Dr. Yu views this experience as the epitome of Mevion's commitment to patient-centric care and accessibility.



Mevion’s dedicated team, led by the likes of not only our CEO, Dr. Yu, but also Dr. Lionel Bouchet, SVP of Commercial Development and Chief Operations Officer Curt Kienast joined the panel.

Alongside them, Katelyn Milkowski, Mevion’s Head of Engineering, (S250-Series), has been instrumental in Mevion's evolution for over a decade. She highlighted the company's engineering achievements, such as modular designs and compact accelerators, which aim to reduce complexity, cost, and treatment time. The forthcoming MEVION S250-FIT Proton Therapy System* exemplifies Mevion's dedication to pushing boundaries and making proton therapy more accessible.




Mevion's journey, from its inception to global recognition, is a testament to the power of vision, collaboration, and an unwavering commitment to patients. As the company continues to innovate, the promise of accessible and superior proton therapy grows stronger, offering hope to cancer patients worldwide.


In the ever-evolving landscape of cancer treatment, Mevion's work is far from finished. The company's dedication to pushing boundaries and improving patient care ensures that the future of proton therapy is bright.

Watch the full panel discussion now:

*The MEVION S250-FIT Proton Therapy System is not yet available for clinical use.

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